Street fighter nude mods

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It was only me who wanted to reward those supporters with one week exclusivity.”īrutal Ace is not retiring permanently from the Street Fighter mod scene. “I am sure my supporters would be fine if had I decided to release at the same time as for Patrons. “I wasn’t charging anyone,” he told Compete. However, Brutal Ace claims all of his mods were free, as long as users could stand to wait a week. In an emailed statement to Compete, Brutal Ace confirmed that Capcom had sent him a takedown notice, and he theorised that “the ruckus on Reddit caused it,” elaborating: “It wasn’t my intention to keep Patreon hidden from Capcom, because I still think that Capcom supports PC modding even if indirectly, but the reason why I got targeted is because of the fuss over Reddit.” Brutal Ace blames those detractors for the shutdown of his modding Patreon.

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The existence of Brutal Ace and Khaledantar666’s Patreon pages drew ire online from the Street Fighter mod fandom, since fans are used to getting all mods for free. Since video game mods feature copyrighted materials, it’s not legal to charge for them. Brutal Ace’s mod of Chun-li as Wonder Woman